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pApB pCpD pEpF pGpH pIpJ pKpL pMpN pOpP pQpR pSpT pUpV pWpX pYpZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
MATINS pharma 42
MAX pharma 5
MAX MAX pharma +arrow 5
MC MILICARE pharma +circle 5
MEDILENTE pharma private lt 5
MEDIMAC pharma 35
MEDIMARK drugs & pharma. 35
MEDISWIFT pharma MS +arcs 5
MEDWOR pharma 5
MERRIL pharma 35
MN pharma +cross 30
MSG pharma 5
MYLAB pharma +cross 5
N K pharma 5
NADAR pharma 5
NARAYANA ayur pharma 5
NELSON pharma 5
NISHRA pharma 5
NOVA GALEN pharma 5
OGA-pharma p +circle 5
ORCHID pharma +flower 1, 10, 16, 35, 36, 41, 42, 44
ORION pharma 5
OXYMED pharma +circle & arc 5
P pharma plus +cross 5
PA pharma aid 35
PAL-PIXIE pharma 5
PAYANINGAL pharma +book 5
PD pharma drugs & chemicals 5
PP pharma plus +cross 5
R REDWING pharma +cross ova 5
REWIN pharma 35
RIVAGE pharma 35
SABZAM tablets SOBER pharma 5
SEAGULL pharma +arc 5
SEVEN HILLS ayur-pharma 5
SHAHNAZ pharma 3, 5
SHAKTI pharma 5
SHYAMAL pharma 5
SPAGEN unit seagull pharma 5
TAULIS pharma 29, 31
TIPS unitips pharma 5
TRIO pharma 5
TW treatwell pharma 42
UNIWELL pharma 5, 35
pharma 44
VHC vet health care pharma 35
VINSAC pharma +plant 5
VINSUN pharma 5
VNG pharma +arc 5
VSAAR pharma 35
WBP world biotech pharma 5
WHP WELHUMAN pharma +globe 5
YAHER pharma +arrow 3
ZONAKEM pharma 5
bell pharma +bell 5
bloom pharma +cross & drop 5
clark's pharma 5
e-DERMA pharma 5
herbal pharma product +leaf 5
indian pharma expo +square 35
liva pharma +swastik 5
m MARKSANS pharma +circle 5
m MEDGENE pharma 5
ps SAMARTH pharma pvt. ltd. 5
s FOURES pharma +cross 5
pharmac 35
K KENWAY pharmacare 35
MEYBELLINE pharmacauticals 5
pharmaceut 10
pharmaceutical education 41
pharmaceutical expo +circle 35
CADILA pharmaceutical +oval 3
CORD pharmaceutical 5
COZOLE EMIL pharmaceutical 5
ESKAY pharmaceutical +circl 5
pharmaceutical 5
INVARTIS pharmaceutical 35
LADDER pharmaceutical +face 5
LEBON pharmaceutical 5
LIFE COM pharmaceutical 5
pharmaceutical 35
MANSTAR pharmaceutical +sta 5
NOVASAN pharmaceutical 5
PARSH pharmaceutical 35
RELIANCE pharmaceutical 42
ROBETT india pharmaceutical 35
SGS pharmaceutical 5
SROTH pharmaceutical 5
pharmaceutical 3
WEST pharmaceutical service 6, 17
care & cure pharmaceutical 35
A.K.S. pharmaceuticals 5
AAA 3A pharmaceuticals 5
AANVI pharmaceuticals 35
ABS pharmaceuticals +arc 5
ACCRETION pharmaceuticals 5
ADERIS pharmaceuticals 5
ADISON pharmaceuticals 5
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